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Friday, October 9, 2009

Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and Interpol to prevent two children commit suicide

Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs announced today that in cooperation with Interpol, to prevent the two minor children also agreed to commit suicide over the Internet.

"In the international police cooperation, Interpol channels Serbian police came to know that while preparing suicide two minor children, of which one citizen of Serbia," said police.

"Juveniles are members of the organization EMO, which is the available information is defined as an informal group of people who communicate over the Internet," the statement said.

It adds that members of the organization "only wear black or white clothing and to promote sexual abstinence and managing virtual love."

"Minor, a foreign citizen attempted suicide by poisoning, and during the rescue admitted to preparing another suicide in the territory of Serbia, "added the statement.

Rapid intervention of the Serbian police, who arrived on the scene just before the execution, saved the life of underage persons, says the Ministry of Interior.

Otherwise by members of the so-called "emo" subculture, created with the same name, musical genre, mostly teenagers who go through puberty with a pronounced depression, tendency to suicidal behavior and significant introvertnost.

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